В Петербурге 15:02:52 
В Хельсинки  14:02:52
 В Стокгольме 13:02:52

Reckless Love - Romance

Финская глэм-рок группа Reckless Love выпустили клип на песню Romance с участием мисс-Финляндия 2008 Сату Туомисто.

Сату Туомисто в клипе группы Reckless Love Romance изображение с сайта www.HeiHei.ru
Сату Туомисто

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Текст песни

Reckless Love - Romance
The neon lights are shining blue,
Shivers of red running through,
Serenity surrounding her steps as she walks,
Back to you,

Heat of the night keeps callin' her,
She's better than you or I deserve,
The entertainer of rich lookin' cheap in her tight,
Little skirt

Breakin' her back she's working night n' day, (night n' day),
Saving her secret for no one,

Livin' on a romance,
Baby coz' it keeps her alive,
Livin' on a romance....

So many times she has been abused,
The little hands and the broken shoes,
Источник teksty-pesenok.ru
Her heart is aching inside but her smile is still there,
Staying true,

Breakin' her back she's working night n' day
Baby there's nothing you can do,

Livin' on a romance,
Baby coz' it keeps her alive,
Givin' on a romance

I believe that this was inevitable,
Because I know she wants to get high,
On love,

Baby coz' it keeps her alive,
Givin' on a romance

Сату Туомисто в клипе группы Reckless Love Romance изображение с сайта www.HeiHei.ru
Сату Туомисто в клипе группы Reckless Love Romance изображение с сайта www.HeiHei.ru

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